About this Artist
Aldo Lombera (b. 1990) Bachelor in Composition and Music Theory by the CIEM, graduating as Fellow and Associate in Composition (FLCM) and (ALCM) and Licentiate in Music Literacy Theory of Music (LMusLCM) by The London College of Music. He has participated in composition workshops conducted by Enrico Chapela, Enrique Mendoza, Víctor Rasgado, Luca Belcastro, Hebert Vázquez, Ignacio Baca Lobera, Luis Jaime Cortéz and Marcelo Toledo. He has won several awards such as the “Nuestra América Prize” in the International "Nuestra América" (2012), the Award for Latin America in the International “Zvi Zeitlin Memorial” (2014), the Winning Work in the National for Percussion Ensemble (2013) and the Winning Work in the National for Symphony Orchestra “Ciudad Sinfónica”(2015), among others. He was also selected to represent Mexico in UNESCO´s 2014 IRC and as a grant recipient of PECDA-FOCAEM 2014,2015 and CMMAS “Prácticas de Vuelo” 2016,2017 programs. His music has been performed in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, France, Italy, Malaysia, Spain and the United States by interpreters such as the José White String Quartet, the Mexico City Woodwind Quintet, Tambuco Percussion Ensemble, Baquetofonía Percussion Ensemble, Cuatro Puntos, Atrapasueños Duo, Iracema de Andrade, Irvine Arditti, Beatriz Martínez, Cynthia Martínez, Fonobox Orchestra and the Michoacán Symphony Orchestra among others.